Main effects of global warming is directly on the temperature. temperature records have shown the effects of global warming. Because of it the temperature varies with the passage of time. Based on experts judgeship, they have said that it strongly effects the weather and due to incrementation in global warming weather is also effected. Rain amounts have decreased due to warming.
Glaciers have started to melt due to global warming. Mountains, glaciers and snow ice caps have decreased in northern and southern hemisphere. This leads to decrease in glaciers and ice caps which results in rise of sea level. Mountainous area in Europe will face glacier retreat due to some changes in glaciers and snow cover are expected to reduce water availability for the population in upcoming future.
Food supply is also effected by global warming. change in climate is impacting the agriculture and food production around the world. Because of carbon-dioxide temperature is turning into hot temperature. So far effects on the agriculture is limited. Several studies have shown that it has made deep impact on the food production. In addition health is also effected by global warming. It causes many infectious disease because of change in climate and temperature.
Its getting vast day by day, and we can see the effects.