If you are at home do not forget to unplug your home appliances such as freezer, bulbs etc. It is the quickest way to reduce the global warming. the impact of unplugging a freezer is that it would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 10 percent. Another easy way to reduce the global warming is replaced all regular light bulbs with an energy-saving model.
When you want to buy your next car then it should be fuel efficient vehicle. With best fuel economy helps in preventing the atmosphere to get trapped in the hands of heat. In addition,better gas mileage will reduce global warming. to save the environment from heat, look for good technologies like Hybrid engines.
By planting more and more trees we can reduce the global warming to some extend because plants and trees have the ability to absorb the carbon dioxide. People can make a group in neighborhood and can contact local arborist or urban forester about planting trees on private property and public land. Before buying wood products, people should keep in mind that there should be the labels that show the source of the timber.
good job raman. they are good points and can actually help to reduce global warming.